Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Adventure That Never Was

my favorite (mis)quote would have been:

"It's, like, you know, an etymological mystery," says Luxton

and i picture JC's most perfect valley girl delivery.
and then JC as a T-Rex come roaring in chomping and waving tiny little forearms.
and in near panic we all scream and wide eyed we...
"Which way?"
"Hell if I know! Who mapped?"
"What the fuck do you mean who mapped? You're the mapper"
"Oh shit, Yeah, it was right here last week!"
"By Pelor's shiney balls! JC's swallowed the little guy whole!"
"Which little guy? Jaq?"
"No. No. the one that just got raised, the one with the Gynormous AC"
"Hellfurnance? How the hell did he hit Hellfurnance?"
"Fuck if I know. Have you found the map yet? It's the one with the label at the top"
"This one?"
"NO! It's the one that continues across twelve pages. the one that isn't drawn to scale--except pages 2 and 9"
"Aaarrrghhhh, the pain, the unending pain!"
"Who was that?"
"The druid. The centenarian thought he could go toe to toe... Kept yelling 'Feel the righteous wrath of the CoDzilla' wtf?"
"No, sorry, that was me. This paper cut is brutal!"
"I got it! The one labeled 'I hate mapping' right?"
"Dude, you did not just say 'w' 't' 'f' did you?"
"Hey what's the loud wailing noise?"
"the one like the last pathetic screams of a dying universe?"
"Anybody know what happens when I bring an antimagic shield into and antimagic field while humming these words of creation backwards--hitting the whole thing with a rod of cancellation?"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Waxing Nostalgic

In honor of our dead comrade, well one of them at least, I thought I'd go over one of the very first adventures we had with Marcus the very very old Druid.

The adventure went something like:

The old man wades out into the water turning into a large octopus as he slides into the water.
half hour later, the party waiting at waters edge,someone wonders out loud, suppose something has happened to the third scout we sent out?

Alfreca says, “Eh, the old fart is a druid right? Does it really matter? But if we wait much longer he could die of natural causes…”

Another half hour passes.
Beoflan muses, “I wonder how Wedneb is holding out?”

Half hour.

Snagger says, “Ever notice how the light dances on his bald little head just so?”
Entire party looks his way. “What?” replies Snagger on the defensive.

Nightbreeze considers conducting diplomacy on the defensive, would it give her a +4 on sense motive…

Half hour.

A lone tentacle slithers up from the water and then disappears with equal slither-es-ness-ness.

Half hour.

A large wet limp dog appears.
Not moving.
No collar.

Beoflan, looking through his magical gem, declares it to be the long lost Marcus.
The ever helpful Grimslade appears to levitate the limp helpless form and smacks it with a wand of cotton candy declaring the new party member to be an evil agent of Vecna bent on destroying us all—especially the women.

If I remember correctly Alfreca and Lintern freak out at this point.

Beoflan gathers his flock and heads back to Wedneb to find comfort in the protection of the Sling.

Marcus is revived and tells his wondrous tale, but it’s really hard to remember, something about something? and being helpless ? (He’s a druid right? this is different than normal how?) and water or something but this part is vibrantly clear:“I swam up onto the beach, but it wasn’t a beach of sand, it was covered from wall to wall in cut and polished gems.”And the rest is fuzzy again, but who really cares! A friggin beach of gems! Gems! GEMS! So the party sets out with Beoflan borrowing the mighty mud ring. An airywater (via mud ring) and a mass swim later the party wades out into the water.

Jaq, “Oh crap we, better go back and drop my ridingdog off with Wedneb

Carlston Blue, “We just cast all the spells. We’d have to wait another entire day.”

Jaq looks to his trusty steed, “Sit. Good boy.”

And they’re off.

There was some fighting--a roper or two, and a bunch of xorn; again, it’s all fuzzy, what we all remember is Baron Carlston braving all odds, fearlessly ignoring the danger all around, summoning five huge earth elementals to not fight the enemy but to Gather The Treasure! The image of him standing there, holding open a huge portable hole, earth elementals pouring mounds and mounds of gems into the thing, will stay with us for all our days. A quick estimate, based on our two random samples, and estimating the beach to be 100’x20’ and 2 hand-fulls per square foot yields about three hundred grand—wait for it, wait for it--EACH! 25k more if we stiff wedneb :) oh and we found another one of those “mysterious” statues and a huge necromancy gem.

As it turns out an entire beach of gems is only worth about 50k, and sadly no power word each.

If I ever find the guy that wrote for DMs to keep their PCs poor so they stay adventuring...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where else but Dnd...

can you have a serious discussion about stuffing a fully armored corpse into a bag of holding?

[DM]How are you transporting the body home?
[Jer]uh... he's got a bag of holding right? put him in there.
[DM]I don't know if a person will fit in the bag.
[Tim]We stuffed one of the twins in one last campaign.
[DM]Yes, but Beoflan is fully armored.
[Tim]Not a problem, even with armor he only weighs 238 pounds, we've got weight to spare!
[Leslie]Does he have a will? I wanna search his pockets.

Isn't blogging fun

Added some links to character design stuff. Sadly Logic Ninja's Guide to Being Batman isn't linking properly but I'll leave it up in hopes that someday...

Note on the poll: I'll probably end up doing something completely different but I saw that I could add a poll, and oh wouldn't that then make this whole 'internet' thing a tad more 'interactive'. Or at least gain the smarmy facade of interactivity even if there really is none.

And I wonder if I can open this up so anyone in the group can enter a post? anyone on the down low about this blogging stuff? (looks like i can add emails to grant author status, anyone want to join in on the, ah, fun?)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Dead but still entertaining the Ghoul King

Quick update from the corpse of Beoflan (currently stuffed into a bag of holding):

Scrappy bit the dust last night. I can’t remember if it was from flame strikes or damage from this shapeless entity of darkness that seemed to disregard AC. Snagger went from 143 hp to 9 hp, but is still alive. Elfreca was killed by a flame strike and came back as a Phoenix because she was wearing a mis-identified magical ring. No one else is dead but we are in bad shape, the Ghoul King is the only visible enemy and he is pissed. Grimslade taunted him and sat on his throne.

Begin at the end

I thought I'd keep track of our adventures as the Heroes of Haranshire. So of course I start this as my character dies. Marcus Stripe, druid of the hill people or some such, died last adventure and a small quiet ceremony was held by our resident sorority tramp--Elfrica. However, the burnt bones were transported back to the Ghoul king, as we (Scrappy his dinosaur companion--poloymorphed into an 11 headed hydra) royally pissed him off. My guess is that he wished us all back to pay.